Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Final Countdown!
April 16th, 2013

These last few weeks of my senior year are coming to an end. With that being said, my external project with Orbiting the Giant Hairball is also coming to an end. I am finishing up an app design that may or may not be created. Right now I am just mocking up ideas to give to Mrs. MacKenzie (daughter of author of the book) that she can use if she wants or not to for the family trust. Below is a mock up of the app.

Changing Plans and Events
April 16th, 2013

Throughout the semester, my group at CAPS and I have been working toward our goal of raising a minimum of one hundred dollars for the non- profit organization, Music Saves Lives. Our first idea was to host a benefit concert with local bands. We had everything planned out and were all good to go, but we were worried that we wouldn't get the turnout to pay off the costs of having the show and then to raise the money on top of that. So, we then started a fundraising campaign with Green Lantern Car Wash. We purchased coupons to sell for a discounted car wash! We were eager to start selling them. We were trying to sell them at local grocery stores and all purpose stores like WalMart, but unfortunately most stores did not allow people to sell out front or inside. We have been selling them on our own to friends and families. After a project review in class, we were inspired by one of our fellow students to try having another similar benefit concert but smaller at a local coffee shop. We are in the process now of trying to work out a date with a local coffee shop that has live music shows every weekend. We are super excited to see where it goes!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Orbiting the Giant Hairball
March 12th, 2013

This semester, I am working with Heather MacKenzie, the daughter of Gordon MacKenzie (author of Orbiting the Giant Hairball). With Orbiting the Giant Hairball, my partner and I are creating a website and helping with consistent branding throughout social media along with the website. This is the image that I will be using for an animation bit for the intro to the website.

Non-Profit Organization (Music Saves Lives)
March 12, 2013

This semester, a few other students and I are working with the Non-Profit Organization called Music Saves Lives ( www.musicsaveslives.org ). We were initially going to try and host a concert with local artists, however we weren't so sure about the outcome we would get. Instead, we decided to put forth some of our own money to get car wash coupons. We are going to be selling these coupons at some local schools, and possibly a local Wal-Mart. I am very excited to be raising money for this organization because the money goes to a great cause! I've been working on a flyer that we would hand out to people that come up to the booth and ask what we're doing and want more info on the organization. Check it out! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New semester, new projects!
January 23rd, 2013

This semester brings me new projects, which also means new challenges. But I am more excited than ever to get started on my group project. Me and three other classmates are working with a non-profit organization, Music Saves Lives, to raise a minimum of $100 by the end of the semester. The cause is does more health related donating (blood drives) to raise money to go towards music programs at schools that cannot afford it. To raise the money, we are putting together a benefit concert. There will be all local bands and artists who are willing to give us their time and effort to help us raise some money for this cause. We are still in the process of getting a set venue and date, but we all are more than excited to see what we can do with it.
January 4th, 2013
Helvetica. What comes to mind when someone says that word? I think of modern, I think of simple. After watching the documentary, I have learned a boat load of new information on typography and the different type faces and companies that have shaped the design world today. One thing in particular that caught my attention was the fact that type does not have to be expressive. A word or phrase can be in any font, but it is how the reader interprets it or visualizes it to be. I was very pleased with the documentary and the typeface as a whole. ​
January 4th, 2013

My goals this semester are simplistic in their concept, but will take some work to get there. I am turning in my portfolio to get into the Graphic Design program at the University of Kansas, this weekend. I will be awaiting that news throughout the next few months. While in the mean time my other goals were to keep up with my last semester of my senior year and to get the grades I want and deserve, and my last goal for this semester is to put forth the effort in not only my schoolwork, but also my relationships with my family and friends. This semester will be the best one yet, and I am making a conscious effort to reach and even exceed my goals!