Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Final Countdown!
April 16th, 2013

These last few weeks of my senior year are coming to an end. With that being said, my external project with Orbiting the Giant Hairball is also coming to an end. I am finishing up an app design that may or may not be created. Right now I am just mocking up ideas to give to Mrs. MacKenzie (daughter of author of the book) that she can use if she wants or not to for the family trust. Below is a mock up of the app.

Changing Plans and Events
April 16th, 2013

Throughout the semester, my group at CAPS and I have been working toward our goal of raising a minimum of one hundred dollars for the non- profit organization, Music Saves Lives. Our first idea was to host a benefit concert with local bands. We had everything planned out and were all good to go, but we were worried that we wouldn't get the turnout to pay off the costs of having the show and then to raise the money on top of that. So, we then started a fundraising campaign with Green Lantern Car Wash. We purchased coupons to sell for a discounted car wash! We were eager to start selling them. We were trying to sell them at local grocery stores and all purpose stores like WalMart, but unfortunately most stores did not allow people to sell out front or inside. We have been selling them on our own to friends and families. After a project review in class, we were inspired by one of our fellow students to try having another similar benefit concert but smaller at a local coffee shop. We are in the process now of trying to work out a date with a local coffee shop that has live music shows every weekend. We are super excited to see where it goes!