Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Orbiting the Giant Hairball
March 12th, 2013

This semester, I am working with Heather MacKenzie, the daughter of Gordon MacKenzie (author of Orbiting the Giant Hairball). With Orbiting the Giant Hairball, my partner and I are creating a website and helping with consistent branding throughout social media along with the website. This is the image that I will be using for an animation bit for the intro to the website.

Non-Profit Organization (Music Saves Lives)
March 12, 2013

This semester, a few other students and I are working with the Non-Profit Organization called Music Saves Lives ( www.musicsaveslives.org ). We were initially going to try and host a concert with local artists, however we weren't so sure about the outcome we would get. Instead, we decided to put forth some of our own money to get car wash coupons. We are going to be selling these coupons at some local schools, and possibly a local Wal-Mart. I am very excited to be raising money for this organization because the money goes to a great cause! I've been working on a flyer that we would hand out to people that come up to the booth and ask what we're doing and want more info on the organization. Check it out!